Category Archives: Richard Gere

Lisa Of Little Faith

Hi and welcome to another Simpsons Sunday post. Since I had published the last post I had learned of the passing of former Toronto mayor Mel Lassman, who was 88 years old. He was The mayor of Toronto at the time the episode The Bart Wants What It Wants had aired, where the Simpson family and Milhouse all went to Toronto. According to what I have read, Fox wanted February 17th 2002 to be declared The Simpsons day in Toronto and to give the family a key to the city. Nice, but Canada and the city were not really touched upon until the third act. However, I would have been okay with it, because I am a fan and was born in Toronto, as well as living here for the majority of my 48 years on earth. As for the family getting the key to Toronto, the request was turned down because the city does not allow for-profit companies to receive a key. You see, it would actually be Fox and not our favourite yellow animated family receiving the key, as I understand it. Either way, he was the mayor when this went down and this makes me wonder, if our last 3 mayors: David Miller, Rob Ford or John Tory would be more open minded to doing something for The Simpsons. Maybe personally, but probably not as a political or business type move. I believe that John Tory is probably a fan, but I can’t see him doing that. Then again, maybe. Maybe Rob Ford would’ve done that, as he did appear on jimmy Kimmel Live, toward the end of his run and sadly, not that long before he died in 2016. Just a heads up, I just might do a post on the episode so, don’t be surprised if I do.

As the mayor of Toronto, Mel got things done and he was laughed at, when he had brought in the army in 1999, during a terrific winter storm. I was living in Hamilton at the time and I was laughing too, but knowing what I know about why he did that I don’t think it’s so funny anymore. Otherwise, I liked his style and him trying to get us out and having fun with each other, as well as getting business done. It doesn’t matter whether he shook hands with a member of the Hells Angels either so, who cares? Anyway, RIP Mel and nobody can replace the little guy, who was larger than life.

On the birthday front, we have two birthdays this week to talk about! First, Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones turned 78 years old yesterday and he will outlive all of us, thanks to his 9+ lives like a cat. So far, he hasn’t contracted Covid and hopefully, he never does. Besides, he surely will outlive us all and will be the only survivor of the pandemic. At least, that’s a part of this whole joke about him living to tell stories about smoking hordes and hordes of drugs that could’ve killed him, including his father’s ashes. As of now, him and Mick Jagger are the only original members left of the Rolling Stones because everybody else has either left, or died. Of course, Keith will never die and he will survive everything including the current COVID-19 pandemic, a nuclear war and complete destruction of the planet, along with bugs.

Next, entertainer and hunter Ted Nugent turned another year older on Monday. Never mind his political views, or his views on the pandemic and public health restrictions such as wearing masks. Also, let’s forget that he did contract COVID and it wasn’t an easy ride for him either. Let’s also forget that he is a big supporter of Donald Trump, as he is also a member of the republican party. Let us just remember that he is a musician and entertainer, first and foremost. Why do you think he says what he says in interviews and does not give the usual indoor voiced answer to questions these days? The answer is that he has a lot to get off his chest and he is so damn passionate, about what he thinks is right. I agree with him, but politically I do not agree with him. I believe we should be free and defiant against the man, but since he is supporting a party he is one arm of the man (in a sense) whether he thinks so or not.

I choose to focus on the music and of course, his contributions to The Simpsons and he does have a new single and it’s good too.

I could also talk about the supergroup Damn Yankees and their brief run. Apparently, he still hangs out with Jack Blades and Tommy Shaw on occasion, but no new music since the 90s. After all, everybody has their own bands and careers to take care of so, it’ll happen when it happens, if it happens. What they did was great for its time and if and when the time is right, we may hear some new music from the guys.

One of Ted’s most recognizable songs is the previously mentioned Cat Scratch Fever and I’ve talked about the Pantera cover of the song. But, how did it come about? We’ve heard it on The Simpsons, but what was the spark to get that song going? Well, here is the man himself, who will break down a brief history of his Music career and he will even play a bit of the song for us, along with demonstrating his way of putting songs together, via this really cool music channel I found on YouTube a couple months ago. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

This weeks post is on the episode, which involves model rockets and Buddhism. How does that go together, you may ask? The episode She of little Faith is the answer and here is what iTunes says about the episode.

“When Homer and Bart’s attempts at model rocketry go awry, they enlist the help of nerds who soup up the rocket so much it destroys the church. To raise money, Reverend Lovejoy turns his finances over to Mr. Burns, who commercializes the church so much an offended Lisa leaves and becomes a Buddhist.”

When Lisa decides to become a buddhist, Marge is understandably worried for her daughter’s soul, but she seems relieved when she learns that Buddhists celebrate Christmas, just like Christians and just about everybody else in the world for that matter. Lisa decides to go this direction, in order to achieve inner peace and she also finds out that Lenny and Carl are practising Buddhists, along with special guest star Richard Gere. As for Richard Gere, I had heard the name but I had no idea who he was other than being an actor or some kind of celebrity. Oddly enough, I heard the name thanks to John Lennon (of all people) when a John Lennon centric radio show played a guest spot he did on a radio station (probably in Los Angeles California) some time around 1974 and the Walls and Bridges album and a part of his lost weekend. He would answer questions and talk to the audience and he would say different names, other than his own and one of the names he had decided to use was Richard Gere. Isn’t that odd?

Anyway, Lisa does celebrate Christmas with the family, despite remaining a Buddhist and having planted her bodhi tree. If you have any idea what a bodhi tree is and what it represents for Buddhism, please explain in the comments.

To end off this post, I have decided to insert this YouTube video, Rating all Christmas episodes and including others, which are not actual episodes relating to the holidays. You will hear what I mean, when some late season episodes and one season finale is mentioned. Also, stay safe and have a great Christmas, despite Omicron and any public health restrictions which are being imposed on the populous, because of this new variant of the coronavirus. Here in Ontario, we are feeling the effects as of now and understandably, people are not happy. I am not either, but I don’t own a small business which depends on full capacity to break even. I hope that there will be some kind of magic bullet to curve the new variant in the coming weeks, or possibly months. Anyway, enjoy this video, along with tonights episode A Made Maggie and finally, let’s all stay safe.