Category Archives: Oprah Winfrey

A Summer Simpsons Episode, 26 Years Later

Hi folks and welcome to another Simpsons Sunday post. Unfortunately, we have another death to talk about this week. Robin Leach, the entertainment reporter with his TV show Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous, passed away on Friday. I like that show because it exposed us to how the rich really live, in his own way. I can’t really recall anything that stood out for me, except the way he would speak, when reporting on his subjects and his Calmer tone of voice during interviews. I wonder if he was approached to do a guest Roll on The Simpsons. If he did the show would have to be called Lifestyles Of The Rich And Infamous or not so famous anymore. I think he would’ve done a great interview with Troy McClure, had Phil Hartman lived to do his Live action film about him. I couldn’t see him interviewing Krusty because of his treatment of people off the air, as opposed to while doing his children’s TV show. I also wonder if there is a short film out there, much like there is one with Oprah Winfrey interviewing The Simpsons family, which I posted here a few months ago. Anyway, RIP Robin Leach and thanks for everything.

On the birthday front, Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford turned another year older yesterday and he guest starred on the Season 25 episode Steal This Episode. He and the rest of the current members of Priest are on tour supporting their album Fire Power and they are still sounding as good as they have ever been, from what I hear.

This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the unfortunately overlooked album by 2wo, which was a collaboration between Rob Halford, Trent Reznor and John Lowery, now known as John 5. The album is called Voyeurs and the only song to get any significant radio play was I Am A Pig, which is also the lead track off the album. I didn’t mind it that much, altho it didn’t feature Rob’s usual singing style and had him singing in an American sounding dialect on most songs. For example: previously mentioned I Am A Pig and the third song Water’s Leaking are two of the most obvious songs to showcase his singing dialect on this album. Yes, it was rather weird but, consider that Rob also came out 20 years ago too and wanted to try something different musically. He did get some radio play on alternative radio stations, as well as his usual rock stations but, it didn’t cary over to record sails. Despite this, it is regarded as an important album by a small group of fans and I am one of them. But, I’m certainly glad that Rob went back to singing like he normally does and sounding like he does on Judas Priest again. Also, reuniting with the band was also a good move to show younger fans what all the fuss was about, with Rob riding around on a Harley Davidson on stage, as well as all those classic Priest songs in his voice.

This weeks post is about the final Season 3 episode Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes? which aired 26 years ago tomorrow. Basically, Mr. Burns finds that Homer is now infertile, due to all the nuclear waste he’s been around while working at the plant. So, he gives Homer $2000.00 in a contrived awards show, just for him, so he wouldn’t consider suing the plant.

Meanwhile, Homer’s half brother Herb is broke and homeless after his business was taken from him, after Homer designed the monstrosity of a car called “The Homer” which cost $82000.00 and made Herb disown Homer as his brother. Herb hitches a ride on a train to Springfield and Homer has already attempted to spend some of the money on a vibrating chair for himself and Marge and the kids had their own idea’s, as to how the moeny should be spent.

Herb arrives at the Simpsons house and after mistakingly finding the Flanders’ house he leaves and knocks on the Simpsons house door. The kids are obviously happy to see their Unky Herb and so is Marge. Homer is not quite so happy and neither is Herb, to see him. However, he proposes an idea to create a machine which translates baby gibberish into natural speech, with Maggie as the guinea pig. Herb needs $2000.00 in order to do this and the family decide to allow this, much to Homer’s chagrin. The machine is created and herb demonstrates the finished product to the family. Everyone is impressed but home or still thinks it’s a stupid idea. However, when Herb shows it off, many people in imporrtant positions ask for one and Herb proclames “I’m rich again.”

Because of his success he can now give the family all the things they wanted. Lisa gets a collection of books, Bart gets to join the NRA when he is old enough, Marge gets a new washing machine. Homer gets Herb’s forgiveness and the vibrating chair, as well as an acknowledgement from him that he is his brother.

As I said last week, this episode was written to fix the relationship between Homer and Herb and it was a well done episode. My favourite part is when Homer tries out the chair and he goes into dreamland, while sitting in it. Of course, this episode also has boxer Joe Frazier as a guest star, which was… interesting and of course, Danny DeVito repriced his role as Herbert Powell, Homer Simpson’s half brother. I am so glad the two brothers managed to mend their relationship and well, it is just a great episode over all.

The Simpsons and Oprah

Hi folks and welcome to another Simpson Sunday post. So, what did you think of the latest episode Haw-Haw Land? What did you think of The character voiced by Ed Sheeran? I was surprised at how good he was, despite that I am not a fan of his music. However I have more respect for him than I did before the episode. Personally, I was rooting for Nelson to catch Lisa’s affections, rather than Milhouse and Brendan. Also, the one part I did not like about the episode was that Gary Chalmers wasn’t able to talk properly because of his burned tongue. I hope that this is not a reoccurring gag because that would ruin the character and his appeal. After all, he is best when he’s angry at Skinner. Right?

This week I’m going to talk about Oprah Winfrey because, there was a Rumor going around that she may run against Donald Trump in the next US election for president. If it happens I think it will be a really fun election, as opposed to just being negative on both sides because, they both know each other quite well and I think that some Discussion in the media would come of it, if it happens in two years.

Also this week, thanks to Al Jean there is a video in which Oprah pays a visit to Springfield and the Simpson family.

The short was dun in 1992 and you can sortof tell by the vocal pacing of some of the characters. Actually, in some cases the speech paterns and vocal pacing are telling of the season or year, a short film or an episode came from. In this case, all of the gags and hallmarks are there, such as Homer strangling Bart and Lisa giving her usual insightful remarks and Marge, with her usual comments. It’s a great video and I encourage everyone to click the link and watch it.

As for Oprah guest starring on the Simpson’s, I can’t see it happening because her primary role is as an interviewer and it wouldn’t be as funny, unless they made fun of her in a nasty way. I can’t see them doing that to her because of who she is and I think that everybody on staff has much respect for her, as do I. Whether she decides to run for president or not, I will always have nothing but respect for what she does and who she is.

That’s it for another post and I will talk to you next week.