The Blog Turns 8

Hi all and welcome to another Simpsons On Sundays post. So, what did you think of The Tipping Point? Homer becoming addicted to tipping is all on those who encourage tipping as far as I am concerned. I choose not to tip because I have my own finances to worry about too and besides, I wouldn’t want what happened to The Simpsons to happen to me. As for the music, the only song I liked was We Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who, which was a part of some sort of CSI animation sequence, which was really short. Hearing Homer, Bart and Lisa auto tuned is just plain fucking wrong and evil.

On the death front, alto saxophonist David Sanborn passed away on May 12th of prostate cancer, aged 78. I knew the name because I had heard him on Late Night with David Letterman in 1987, playing an instrumental, whose name eludes me. I would know it if I heard it by the key and having a specific downward composition style. It’s in the key of A, but that is all I remember about it. Anyway, one song I do know well is Young American by David Bowie and my favourite version is the full length album version, but at least the sax solos from David are not really as affected by the single edit. Anyway, RIP.

This week it is about the blog turning 8 today and in 2016 the blog got off to a rocky start, as my security token had run out. I don’t have that issue now, but it has happened since then and it is a bitch, especially when I had prepared a post and I had lined everything up for it to come out at a certain time and date and then, it has been affectively, stillborn despite everything I had done.

Since last year I had started labeling posts on things outside The Simpsons as Simpsons Sabbatical posts and this has so far included rock and metal bands I like, whom I wish could stop by Springfield, or whom I like anyway. I have some ideas for bands this year, during June, July and August and some names you will recognize more than others, as they are bands with many streams and downloads, along with some who are lesser known, but deserve more attention in my opinion. I won’t give anything away so, stay tuned to find out which bands will be brought to this blog.

I had done the standard episode recap, but I’m trying to get away from that because it is the same thing all the time and as a Simpsons fan, I assume that you have watched every episode, at least once and some, more than that. I hope so and I hope that we continue to watch newer episodes, despite the changes in tone over the years.

Anyway, the blog will continue to stay the course and there will be a Canadian Connections post on June 30 and you will see an additional name added to the list of Canadians who have been a part of The Simpsons over the years. I gave a strong hint as to who it is a few weeks ago so, stay tuned to be reminded as to whom this Canadian voice actor is. Anyway, to all my fellow Ontario residence, happy Victoria day weekend and let’s enjoy the weather as best we can. After all, it is May and the consistent summer heat should come soon. At least, I hope so. Oh by the way, don’t forget that tonight will be the final episode of Season 35 entitled Bart’s Brain, where Bart makes a new friend. That could be interesting, as Homer has become his new friend for an episode, but could his brain be his new pal? Let’s find out tonight at 8:00 PM for those of us who will be watching it on TV and for me, tomorrow morning on the Apple TV app, through iTunes.

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